Monday, August 31, 2009

My first week experience in high school was....

My first week in high school was just like any other first week. Even though all the teachers were different and I had different types of classes nothing really changed. But my first week was actually nice other than the waking up extremely early every morning. I would say that was the worst part of coming to school. Also because by the end of last period I would be so tired that I wouldn't be able to do nothing else because I wasn't use to those things all over again.
For me I cant really say if I liked my teachers or not or even if I have good classes its too early to know. Even tho it was only the first week of school i still could see which teachers would give me allot of work and the ones that wouldn't. I could also get the picture of how things would kinda be in each class. All though it was a tiring week and wasn't half bad and I'm going to have to be here so I might as well have fun and do my part.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

If I could own any company in the world i would own....

I would own the Verizon Wireless company. first I would own it because i would get a lot of money from the company. Sine many people use it that wouldn't be a problem for me. I would also be able to buy all the different types of phones that i would think they would cell most. I could also put new types of fun things on the phones.

By owning the Verizon Wireless company I would be helping a lot of people. I would be helping a lot of people with their jobs because I would need many people to sell the phones and make contracts. Also I would be giving a lot of people phones which helps everybody in the world because everybody needs one. These are the reasons why i would own the Verizon Wireless company.