Wednesday, October 7, 2009

If I could create one law it would be...

If I could create one law it would be the law to go anywhere you want without having to give people satisfaction of were your going to go and without getting in trouble. many times you want to go somewhere but you cant because usually you're parents wont let you or your too young to go. I think that I have the responsibility to go anywhere I want without doing anything wrong but many people don't know that and they will never know if they don't let you have the freedom you need.

Many people do wrong things and because of them many of us cant do what we would like to do. I don't think we should be blamed for the wrong of others. People should actually trust us and let us do what we want and get the consequences that we need to get so we can learn. If we don't learn like that on our own then we will never learn.

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