Friday, October 9, 2009

My favorite holiday is...

My favorite holiday is Christmas since its probably the biggest holiday I celebrate. This is my favorite holiday because its a day of excitement, fun, and many memories. Usually on Christmas everybody gets together family friends and churches and we have a great time with no worries but what you will get this year. For most people they just celebrate Christmas because its good for the children and its a tradition that follows through every year, but I celebrate t because I'm christian and it's the birth of Jesus.

I have many memories of when I was Little and celebrated this holiday. I cant think of one year that it was a tragedy because this day is always great and we always forget our differences between each other. It's very exhausting by the end of the day after ll that party and excitement but I wouldn't trade this holiday for anything in this world.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

If I could create one law it would be...

If I could create one law it would be the law to go anywhere you want without having to give people satisfaction of were your going to go and without getting in trouble. many times you want to go somewhere but you cant because usually you're parents wont let you or your too young to go. I think that I have the responsibility to go anywhere I want without doing anything wrong but many people don't know that and they will never know if they don't let you have the freedom you need.

Many people do wrong things and because of them many of us cant do what we would like to do. I don't think we should be blamed for the wrong of others. People should actually trust us and let us do what we want and get the consequences that we need to get so we can learn. If we don't learn like that on our own then we will never learn.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

If I could save one animal what would it be...

If I could save one animal I would save a penguin. I would save this animal because they are adorable creatures. I would save them because They live in cold areas and because of global warming so pretty soon they will all be extinct. also the are very rare to find u have to go to the arctic to find them. They are very interesting animals.

Penguins are also one of the animals many people go to the zoo to see. If there were no more penguins left there would always be something missing in the world. Even though we don't think much about them wen we do we all know that these animals would be missed if there weren't any more.

Monday, October 5, 2009

If I had $1,000,000 I would...

I would do many things if I had $1,000,000 of course i would go shopping and spend all my money. Before thinking of spending all that money for myself i have to be unselfish and think of other people. I have many family members that would need my help and I would help them. I would mostly help my grandparents in Brazil they are getting old and they would need my help even if it were only a few dollars. I would also help my parents so they could at least work less because they payed for everything I needed all these years and the least I could do is help them now.
With the rest of the money I would have after helping my family members I would save most of it. I would save it for an emergency, college, a car and all the necessities I would need. I would also get some of that money to go shopping and buy the clothes I would want. I don't think that I would be irresponsible with all that money that I would have.

Monday, September 14, 2009

If I were stranded on an island, what 3 items would I want with me?

If I could only bring three things on the island with me i would bring things to make fire, food, and a knife. Each of these things have a purpose for them. They would all help me out allot in the island even f you don't think it would they each have their on job that they would do. The food is so i wouldn't die of hunger, food would be very hard to find on an island. the fire has many uses to it. First to cook my food or boil the water I find so all the bacteria can go away. Second to keep me warm at night, and third to keep the wild animals away. The knife is also very needed. It is needed for protection or at least a sense of protection because if u feel protected u have a bigger chance to stay alive. also its for me to make shelter cutting down branches and making something for me to at least sleep in. Last its for hunting just in case I run out of food. These are all the items I would bring I think its the best items to have when you are stranded even thought you don't choose what you have at the time.

Friday, September 11, 2009

What does the events from 9/11 mean to you?

The events from 9/11 dont mean much to me but at the same time it does mean many things. It doesnt mean much because I was so young back then that I hardly understood what was goin on and tha major problem. To me it was just a tragedy because many people died but that really wasn't all that happend it started controversy in te world and that was the worst part of it.
At the same time this event means to me things that it didnt mean to other people. To me it wasnt all horrible because it made us think of not only our selves but te rest of the people not only in the U.S but also around the world. It made us think about how the families of those people feel. How we aren't very much liked all around the world and we have to make friendshp with other countries because with out their friendship and heir help it would be an unpeacefull world more then it already is.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

If I could have one job for the rest of my life it would be ...

If I could have one job for the rest of my life I would like to be a psychiatrist. I have many reasons why I would want to be a psychiatrist, but its mostly because i want to help people with their problems. I would also like to get into peoples life and see everybody different point of views and life style. It seems to be a interesting job that you wouldn't get bored of.
I would also like to be a psychiatrist because it seems like a pretty relaxed job. Although I would have to find out what the persons problem is it seems pretty easy. If I where to do it for the rest of my life this is what I would want to do because i wouldn't want to do something that's hard work and tireing for my whole life.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

My dream vacation is...

My dream vacation is to go to Hawaii. I actually want to go to Hawaii on my honey moon. The reason why I would like to go Hawaii is because its very tropical. Also because the beaches there look really nice and warm. Hawaii looks like a place you would go to relax and have allot of fun in.
I would also like to go there because they look like they have a great culture. I would like to learn allot about their culture and the type of thugs they do. I would also like to experiment everything like their food dances and many other things. These are the reasons why i wood like to go Hawaii on a dream vacation.

Monday, August 31, 2009

My first week experience in high school was....

My first week in high school was just like any other first week. Even though all the teachers were different and I had different types of classes nothing really changed. But my first week was actually nice other than the waking up extremely early every morning. I would say that was the worst part of coming to school. Also because by the end of last period I would be so tired that I wouldn't be able to do nothing else because I wasn't use to those things all over again.
For me I cant really say if I liked my teachers or not or even if I have good classes its too early to know. Even tho it was only the first week of school i still could see which teachers would give me allot of work and the ones that wouldn't. I could also get the picture of how things would kinda be in each class. All though it was a tiring week and wasn't half bad and I'm going to have to be here so I might as well have fun and do my part.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

If I could own any company in the world i would own....

I would own the Verizon Wireless company. first I would own it because i would get a lot of money from the company. Sine many people use it that wouldn't be a problem for me. I would also be able to buy all the different types of phones that i would think they would cell most. I could also put new types of fun things on the phones.

By owning the Verizon Wireless company I would be helping a lot of people. I would be helping a lot of people with their jobs because I would need many people to sell the phones and make contracts. Also I would be giving a lot of people phones which helps everybody in the world because everybody needs one. These are the reasons why i would own the Verizon Wireless company.